
Research Article

Needs in siblings of individuals with Down Syndrome and levels of coping Cali, Colombia

Lina Fernanda Martínez Cadavid, Diana Marcela Gutiérrez Acosta and Luis Alexander Lovera Montilla*

Published: 01 November, 2021 | Volume 4 - Issue 1 | Pages: 093-100

Objective: To determine the needs and level of coping in siblings of people with Down Syndrome. 
Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, carried out in 2016. Sample consisted of 30 siblings of people with Down Syndrome between 6 and 60 years old. Using non-probability convenience sampling. Two instruments were used to collect the information: a) a validated sociodemographic and needs survey of the siblings, designed by the authors, and b). Callista Roy adaptation and coping survey validated. 
Results: 60% of the siblings report not having felt judged by other people when presenting their brother/sister with Down syndrome. 73.3% of the siblings did not receive information about Down Syndrome from a nursing professional, the need to strengthen the nursing care provided to the siblings of people with disabilities in this regard is evident. 53.3% of these present a medium level of coping with respect to the condition of having a brother with Down syndrome. 
Conclusion: Identified needs were: time needs, affective needs, family needs, social needs, economic and access to information needs. Highlighting these needs allows the nursing professional to identify and consider the siblings of people with Down Syndrome have different needs than the rest of the family nucleus. Where interventions aimed at reducing the harmful effects and enhancing those characteristics of gain related with having a brother with Down Syndrome.

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Siblings; Down syndrome; Nursing; Coping


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