
Research Article

Medical Examinations of Children and Adolescents to Fulfill the Sports Standards of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” Complex

Shapovalov KA*, Shapovalova LA, Zaboeva MV, Chicherova OP and Krikunenko NS

Published: 21 August, 2023 | Volume 6 - Issue 2 | Pages: 039-045

Introduction: The organization of medical support for the implementation of the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (“RLD”) in children’s clinics on the territory of the Republic of Komi (RK) is carried out in order to develop a physical culture among the population.
Patients and methods: The analysis of the results of 2652 medical examinations of children and adolescents to comply with the standards of the “RLD” in the State budgetary healthcare institution of the Republic of Komi “Syktyvkar Children’s Clinic No. 3” (“SChCl No. 3”) in 2016-2022 was carried out. The significance of differences in quantitative characteristics between groups with a normal distribution of quantitative variables was calculated using Student’s t-tests for independent samples. The threshold value of the probability of error for statistically significant differences was set at a level equal to 0.05. The frequency ratio was calculated per 10,000-child population. The depth of the study was 7 years.
Results: Among patients who applied for examination only 2604 people (98.85 ± 0.21%) were allowed to pass sports standards. The FC of those who applied was 138.44 per 10,000 children, and the FC of those admitted was 135.94. The proportion of patients of “SChCl No. 3”, who were assigned the main medical group for physical education ranged over the years from 87.37 ± 1.47% in 2017 to 98.86 ± 0.34% in 2019 and on average for 7 years amounted to 94.19 ± 0.45%. That is, almost 90% of those examined are children without health and physical development disorders, but with possible functional disorders that do not lag behind their peers in physical development and physical fitness. They are allowed to study in full according to the curriculum of physical education using preventive technologies, preparation, and passing tests of individual physical fitness.
Conclusion: The average annual quantitative indicator of those who applied for certification to pass the standards of the “RLD” is a statistical tool, on the one hand, to determine the current and future workload of medical personnel and determine the forces and means of medical support, on the other hand, an indirect indicator of the interest of children and adolescents in systematic physical education and sports, instilling in schoolchildren the skills of a healthy lifestyle and the prospects for the physical development of the nation. The frequency of examinations per 10,000 of the child population should be considered as an indirect marker for assessing the physical development of children and adolescents since it is not the result of a continuous, but only selective (at the request of those who applied) research. The voluntary surrender of the “RLD” standards by children and adolescents should be approached as an indicator of physical readiness and high personal self-esteem, including psychological readiness for competitive relations in the school and adolescent environment and psychological maturity.

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Medical examinations of children and adolescents; Sports standards; Standards of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”; City children’s polyclinic


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